I remember when I used to sleep through the night.
I'd fall asleep, wrapped in the warmth and love of my partner. I'd lay in my bed, happy and safe, and the next morning, I'd wake up from the sun warming my feet. My partner would be there, smiling at me as I sat up. I'd be happy and safe.
But have you ever read a fairy tale? The good comes always comes before the bad, then the princess would find her happy ending.
My bad came.
I woke up one morning, and it felt different. The sun had warmed my feet and woke in my bed, but there was a feeling in my stomach that made the sun look blue instead of yellow. My partner wasn't smiling at me as I sat up. I got out of bed, walking through my room and not finding them. I walked down the hall and then the stairs to the first floor. I still couldn't find them. There had been a note on the kitchen counter.
I had loved everything about them. From their laugh to the way they walked. I loved the way how they read and the way they wrote. But they couldn't love me the same way. They had apologized, countless times, unable to explain why they couldn't love me the way I loved them and signed off with a single word, and their name.