Lilith Frost is dead.
She was one of the best they had, and she was dead.
Kiyohime Ikari was born, and she remembered her past life as Lilith when she bumped into a certain raven-haired future detective, making this life much much more interesting for her.
The Puppeteer, Lilith aka Kiyohime, only knows how to enjoy herself, and so she does. Slowly, twisting and turning and trapping everyone around her in her mind games, infuriating Light and L to no end.
"So are you saying, Kiyo, that if you had Kira's power you would do the same thing?"
"Again, Sayu, I am not saying anything, but if I did have Kira's power, who's to say what I would have done? I wouldn't know myself, not until I would have gotten it before all this happened."
Manipulation is an art, and she treats it as such. She takes it slow and steady, as if rewiring their minds in the way to favor herself. They are the puppeteers and she is the puppet, but what they don't realize is that their fingers move with the strings being manipulated by the puppet.
Young Ori Nanase is your average high school student: smart, pretty, fun, but things get weird when her best friend, Light Yagami, starts acting weird, then, L, her favorite detective, tells Ori that Light is the prime in the Kira-Case. Kira is a killer with no real name or face. They kill criminals and need the names and faces of others to do so. When L tells Ori his suspicions, things slowly start to make sense. Is Light the faceless killer Kira, or is the greatest detective in the world wrong for once and Kira is someone else entirely?