Even though the world is largely united at peace, one country remains entangled in a bloodthirsty civil war. The two opposing factions ruthlessly fight with one another to obtain a rural stretch of land that contains highly sought-after minerals and metals. Meanwhile, at the Arcology, the most expensive craft designed in the entire aviation industry has finally been completed - Thunderbird Eighteen. Quickly assembled thanks to a team of scientists and engineers working around the clock, International Rescue's new craft can house nearly all the remaining Thunderbirds craft and can deploy them for rescue operations at a moment's notice - and capable of travelling at record-breaking speeds. Thunderbird Eighteen will be put to good use when the civil war spreads catastrophe into other countries... Based on the Japanese anime series Scientific Rescue Team Techno Voyager, adapted by ITC Entertainment as Thunderbirds 2086. The series was made without the knowledge of anyone involved in the Classic Thunderbirds from ITC, including Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. A CaptainThunderWho Century 22 Production.All Rights Reserved