mirror /ˈmɪrə/ noun A surface, typically of glass which reflects a clear image; reflecting the image of oneself and representing the concept of duality. ------------ Taehyung is a kind, innocent and thoughtful teen with a charming personality and a rectangular smile that just makes him all the more irisistable. What happens when he discovers that his parents are adopting a new addition to the family? A naïve, black haired 17 year old boy called Jeon Jungkook. Whåτ ιf hιs ηεw, sεεmιηglγ ιηηθcent sτερ βπθτhεπ ιsη'τ qυιτε ωhåτ hε sεεms? ___________ I'm going to be honest, this book is lowkey messed upAll Rights Reserved