Ambitious and driven to achieve her dreams Marina moves to Paris to start a new life. Her goal is to run an international dynamic fitness movement. With the help of some people she meets on her first day her dream takes roots faster than she had planned. As her business expands it attracts some of the most ruthless clientele looking for a dynamic fitness program fit for their line of work, these includes street hustlers, security professionals such as ex military contractors and bodyguards, organized crime families like the triad, the mob, mafia and rogue and undercover intelligence agents from the MI6, CIA among others scrutinizing her organization looking to get a lead. IN spite of not deliberately engaging in any illegal activities Marina finds herself and those close to her wading in dangerous waters but through sheer will she finds ways to overcome everything her new world throws at her without compromising herself, her business or her diverse clientele even when she gets betrayed and caught in the middle so many times.All Rights Reserved