(POVESTE NEADEVARATA)Buna sunt Kyle .Am 13 ani Si sunt din Blackburn,si o sa va povestesc povestea mea . Eram la scoala. Auzisem zvonul ca exista o casa bantuita pe Strada Generalului.Eu,ca un Toma Necredinciosul nu am crezut,asa ca, atunci cand ma intorceam de la scoala am trecut pe-acolo.Casa era ca un rahat ,mica si urata,cu geamul spart si cu o atmosfera de te cacai pe tine. Ziua uramtoare,i-am luat pe Danielle si pe Andrew si am fost la casa aia nenorocita.Cand am ajuns acolo,aveam lanterne,cruci,aghiasma.Am ajuns in fata casei,am dat un picior in usa si s-a daramat.Era o canapea plina de sange si de intestine de om.Lui Andrew ii venea sa vomite dar s-a abtinut.Si am ales sa ne despartim:Andrew si Danielle la subsol si eu la parter.La parter era un hol lung cu o lumina care palpaia.La capatul holului era o ...
Yazmina Fleur De la Vega. A brilliant yet dangerously unhinged doctor, she finds herself trapped in a horror game she once played-a world where monstrous experiments roam, and every step could be her last.
But Yazmina isn't here to run.
She isn't here to save anyone, either.
She's here to watch. To learn.
To play.
Will she become the prey, scrambling for survival? Or will she turn the tables and become the hunter instead?
Read at your own risk.
This is an original story inspired by Poppy Playtime. While elements of the game serve as inspiration, this plot, its twists are uniquely mine. No plagiarism will be tolerated.
To all Poppy Playtime fans-I hope you enjoy this thrilling reimagination! Stay sharp. You never know what's lurking in the dark.