(If you haven't read Why Aren't You Mine? The first book than none of this will make sense)
Junior is now dating Carter, his "bestfriend". Carter and Junior started dating after Andy wasn't ready to be gay, now everything has been alright, no trouble, except for Juniors dad of course. Everything is fine and perfect, but now Andy's "ready" to be gay, but Carter and Junior are so attached to each other, it's hard to let go, Junior has started something he can't finish with Ryan, one of Andy's friends. But "new kid" Seth comes in and now, it's just one huge big mess, and Carter aims for him. Will Junior pick Andy or Carter or Ryan? And will Carter start having REAL feelings for Seth? If so, will he pick Junior or Seth...? Who really IS this Seth kid? And how does he have the power to ruin their lives? What?!
Read to find out ;)
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