A rich man came to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good deed must I do to get eternal life?"
When I read this scripture, over and over, I realized that the rich man is asking Jesus about heaven "as a place"-- a destination.
As a woman who loves travelling, before I went to someplace, I ask first: "How much is the ticket?" or "How much is the fare?" So that I may know if I can afford or make budget plans.
What is Jesus' answer?
You can't afford it!
Heaven is beyond your finances! Only God the Father has the full authority and the Resources to Open gates of Heaven.
But Jesus says it nicely and I paraphrase, "Should you wish to enter real life (not eternal, but the life that you enjoy today), meaning, if you wish to CELEBRATE YOUR LIFE WHERE YOU ARE right now, then obey the commandments."
In this book entitled "One Way Ticket to Heaven" I would like to talk about How to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, how much it would cost, and
Who can take me there?
Contradictory to popular belief, the best seats are not the VIP seats, neither the business class.
The best seat in heaven, is the personnel's seat -- a place for the working team members who actively participate in maintaining and addressing concerns for the place. They are the ones who truly were able to stroll and examine the whole area. And they are homeowners.
Spectators sit. Authorized personnel work.
Tourists are temporary. Immigrants stay for citizenship.
It is possible for you to live a life to the max here on earth! And although nobody can enter the Kingdom of Heaven, with God, everything is possible!
So when you enter, are you going to be a tourist, or a home owner? A spectator or an authorized personnel?
Will you be the first or the last?
Enjoy the ride.