After the War there's cry, after the War there's pain, after the War there's distruction, but after the War there's also hope, there's love, there's life, there's choice.
The story of how people, after a war that destroyed almost everything they owned, found slowly happiness again.
A Harry Potter fan fiction on what happened in Harry, Ron and Hermione's life after the Battle of Hogwarts.
We all know their future - their jobs, who they married, if they had children...- but what happened between 1998 and 2017?
How was their seventh year at Hogwarts?
How did Harry propose to Ginny? And Ron to Hermione?
What did James, Albus, Lily, Rose and Hugo do before Hogwarts? And little Teddy Lupin? How was his life without parents?
Do you ship Romione or Hinny? Both? Then this fan fiction is for you.
(It includes lots on Harmione and Golden Trio's friendship.)
How do Harry and his friends cope after the Battle of Hogwarts? What becomes of Teddy Lupin, the orphaned godson of Harry Potter? This is my version of what could have happened after the final chapter of Deathly Hallows, covering the 19-year gap that there is between then and the epilogue. There will be love, hurt, weddings, angst, and drama. I hope you enjoy my story.
Comments and votes are greatly appreciated!
All characters, except those created by me, and the Wizarding World belong to JK Rowling.