From the corporate life desk job, to mop and bucket, and now a life of catheters, BP cuffs and again the occasional mop...
Becoming Not Quite a Nurse, as some might call it, my crazy life continues on!
Now joining me is Hon. Hon 'Her Own Nut!' As in crazy nut bar! Get your mind out of the gutter. Sheesh!
This is the collection of quirky and enlightening stories form the PSW days. That's 'Personal Support Worker' in case you're not familiar. We are the ones that do everything the nurse's do except administer medications, wound care, and anything that actually penetrates the patient. Which seriously turns out to be a load of horse 'dodo' because we 'do do' all those thing. And then some!
Need catheter care? How about DBS? Digital Bowl Stimulations are considered a really crappy job, but necessary for some patients. Tis my specialty! I am told I can bug the sh*t out of anybody, and that's a real complement in this industry!!
Not Quite a Nurse? Sure what ever they say. But, I wouldn't trade my job for the world!
More unbelievable situations as only the Cleaning Lady can seem to get in. Still, believe them, they are again ALMOST all true!
FOLLOW MACJANNY ON FACEBOOK! Find a link to the full Collection of Stories and have fun with some contests and giveaways :)
The FULL collection of The Cleaning Lady Chronicles has just been published :) Yay! available here on Amazon and to read free with KindleUnlimited