This Story begins when our young Protagonist finds herself being forced to go to a Convention of some kind with her younger Sister. However, when she and her Sister were running towards the direction of the said Convention, an earthquake suddenly occurred, rumbling and cracking the ground open right before the Sisters eyes and taking the Protagonist down inside their awaiting maw in the process. Although, when Death was just a mere second away from claiming her soul, a black portal appeared underneath her falling body, saving her in the process but also transporting her to a different Dimension altogether where being set on fire is the norm for these crazy Mafia people. Not only that, some- (If not ALL) -people in the Mafia thinks she's related to the one-and-only World's Strongest Hitman just because of their uncanny resemblance towards each other. (which was NOT really the case, mind you) Did I forget to mention that she acquired an Alien for a Partner the moment she entered the world of flaming Mafioso? ______________________________________ "Ehh?! I didn't know being an Oppoganger of a Famous N0. 1 Hitman could be so difficult! I mean, come on! I'm LITERALLY a walking TARGET for those Mafioso dudes!" - The Protagonist "Hn! I extremely (and sadly) agree with you-upa! But, what does an Oppoganger mean-upa? " - Their Partner "Hm? Oh, It's basically a Doppelganger but of the opposite sex. A person who is like you in every way except for Gender. Your 'other half', as some might say." "Oh! That's so cool-" "BUT FOR FUCKS SAKES! Even if I'm Reborn's (Not so accurate) Oppoganger from another world, those BASTARDS don't have the RIGHTS to target me while I'm eating! Seriously, for the LOVE of Omna's Socks were NOT Related! And let me eat my Donuts in peace damn it!" - One Sad And Salty Protagonist ________________________________________ Disclaimer: I do NOT own KHR in any way, shape, or form. Pictures and Videos in the story does NOT belong to me unless I said so.