Five teenagers, born with extraordinary powers, destined for greatness. Will they follow the path led by the Angel of goodness or will they be lured into helping the forces of evil.
Five teenagers, desperate to decide. Will they put their lives in danger and stand up against the mightiest of all evils or will they accept the honour of leading his army, causing chaos in the world.
Five neutral teenagers, without a single trace of positive or negative in them; sought by both, good and evil.
Five teenagers, destined to succeed. What will they work for? The greater good or the greater evil.....
To find out read and 'like'.
This is a story about ten teenagers discovering that they have powers. Once the teenagers believe that their superpowers can be used to save lives. They uncover a horrible villain that wants to do harm to them. If they don't put a stop to him soon, he will hurt and kill lives.