Okay this is one of new Kogan stories I'm going to get up tonight. This one is going to replace the Drake Bell story I have up now, and since he is a lot of hot water that story is getting unpublished, in time like once this one is up and running and this story is going to replace it. Anyway, the four girls from that story go searching for their new parents cause they aren't treated right at the orphanage, cause their dad brought them back (I am going have Drake take the girls back to the orphanage) and they hate getting treated like garbage, and they decide to make a break for it, and they get caught every time they try to sneak out and go into the real world. One day Kendall and Logan decided they want to adopt, so they go to the local orphanage to adopt, and they spot the four girls, and they want to adopt them as their daughters and the girls are over the moon that they are getting adopted again from someone who will love them, and not treat them like trash. Read and find out what happens nextAll Rights Reserved