"A retelling of the relationship between Commander Shepard and Garrus Vakarian"
Not more than a month after defeating Sovereign on the Citadel, Garrus Vakarian finds himself parting ways with the Normandy - and her commander - in order to pursue an offer he received from connections within C-Sec. A week after that, and he discovers that Commander Shepard - his closest friend, mentor, and inspiration - was killed, and the Normandy lost. As he attempts to hold himself together, believing that he could have saved her should he have stayed, Cerberus busies itself recovering what pieces of the Commander remain: The Illusive Man's plan rolls into motion, unaware that he is toying with the life and soul of a woman much stronger than he could have ever believed...
To celebrate - or perhaps mourn - my finishing of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, I was inspired to start writing a fan-fiction about my own Shepard and her life aboard the Normandy. Some canon story beats will be bent or moved around to reflect how I feel certain things would have developed.
There will be drama, violence, romantic tension, tender moments, and eventual sexual content. For context, this iteration of Commander Shepard survived the batarian attack on Mindoir, lost her family, and later led the final stand on Elysium before the events of the main Mass Effect games. As described, this story begins during the events of Mass Effect 2. I will post trigger warnings at the beginnings of any chapters that contain sensitive content.
Samantha Shepard has survived encounter upon encounter, and has even been brought back from the dead. Now it's believed that the infamous Commander Shepard had died saving the galaxy... Or has she? With the help of Miranda Lawson, her body is recovered and Project Lazarus has brought her back yet again. Now she's on the road to recovery and Garrus is on the way back. Will things ever return to normal?