There is something... I can't get it out of me. It won't escape. No matter how much I try, no matter how much I pretend, no matter how much I lie to satisfy others, nothing ever helps. Is it selfish to need something more in return? Is it selfish to want someone there for you at all times? Is it selfish to want to have somebody who shows they care? I don't know. But what I do know, is that I won't be here for long. I don't want to be. If I let out my cries, would someone be there to listen? Would it be best if I stayed in a dark quiet room all day? Would that satisfy your need of lonelyness? Do I sound selfish? I try not to. But no matter how much you try to help me, eventually you make it worse. Why am I stuck? Why won't you let me move? I want to be free. But how? You can't help me. People won't let me be free. They say it doesn't help. That it doesn't end the pain. But yes, it does. It does -end- the pain. I feel like people don't feel what I feel sometimes. If only there was someone out there, just as irreplaceable as a broken heart. Someone who could be there for me. I could do the same in return. We could put the pieces of our hearts back together. Into a bigger heart. Some people understand me. Some don't. That's okay. I don't want to be understood anymore. I want people to be confused. I want them to hate me. I want them to fear me. I want the chains around me to be cut. I want to be free.Public Domain