You, a russian girl with a strong sense of commanding skills, a level head, brains, and brawn, come from parents who had both served in the military. They've raised you like a soldier since birth, and you're determined not to let them down. So, you asked your parents to sign you up for Camp Campbell, as it says here that it has a Military Camp and "much more" as it says in fine print. They agree, and you end up packing your bags and heading to said Camp Camp. The thing is, even though you're a girl, Pikeman has decided that they really need you on their team, and you end up getting kidnapped. But the thing is, do you even wanna go back to Camp Campbell? I mean, you feel at home in the strict camp, plus someone has caught your eye, and he has electric yellow eyes and buck teeth. So, what will you do? Abandon the friends you've made at Camp Campbell? Or stay in hopes that maybe Pike will open his eyes and stop being blinded by a measly crush on an adult so he can see what's in front of him?