Step into the alluring world of Yohannie Samuel Carbonel, a renowned billionaire and unstoppable force in the business realm. As he rises to prominence and carves his own path, he becomes the savior of the Carbonel's group of companies, bearing the weight of his family's legacy. But beneath his triumphant exterior lies a secret obsession that could shatter his carefully constructed image.
Elliese Altamirano, a young woman with her own dreams and aspirations, stumbles upon Yohannie's hidden truth. Faced with the weight of this revelation, she must decide whether to keep his secret, accept him for who he truly is, or expose the truth that could unravel his world.
Will she succumb to the allure of Yohannie's secret, or will she be the one to unravel his carefully guarded facade?
Power. Secrets, Obsession collidWill Yohannie's world crumble under the weight of his hidden desires, or will Elliese be the one to bring about his salvation? Get ready to uncover the truth and experience a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
START: AUGUST 22, 2021