Emma and her little sister April live with their parents in the future, in a place called PopulationHole, a place were small amounts of survivors of the war, would go and hide. But this war was not any old war that they had in the last 50 years, but far worse. The fighters of the opposite team fought with a bomb that killed 80% of the people it touched. The other people would become infected by the bomb and go insane. Emma and her family are survivors, but live under the rule of a man with no sanity. Years of stress and pressure changed him. Emma's parents become concerned and try to over trough their ruler, and are taken away to be killed in a different Populationhole. The only way that Emma and April could get them back, was to leave the safety of their Poulationhole and go to a different hole far away from theirs. But survival isn't something very common out of the Hole.