The sun is ever so ridiculously hot, but I'm glad I came out today to enjoy it. I turned on the radio, sat in my good old chair in the backyard and laid still. "Criminal like no other...". How crazy. 20 years down and you'd still never get sick of the song. Everything around me seemed to be at peace. I wonder what everyone else was doing now. What was Kyo doing. Did he miss me up there? Nah, pretty damn sure he's still writing lyrics and banging up the sound system. I wonder if he's going to pick me up soon. I know it's my turn. I hope he comes though; I miss that shaggy. But you know I can't just leave yet. You see, there's this one last thing that I've to do. I've been wanting to tell you guys this forever but life and kids, you know the drill. So today, I'm going to tell a story. A story about a girl. Well you can call her a sister, friend, soulmate, suicidal sunshine, an absolute nutcase whatever you name it. But she was our everything, our little ray of hope. She was my only family and finally after all these years I think I'm ready to talk about 'us'. Ahh... how nostalgic just picturing your face. I miss you partner. This one's for you Clara love.All Rights Reserved