Following both perspectives of Eijiro Kirishima and Katsuki Bakugo, the story of two first-year students at UA high school. Completely unaware of cupid's arrow sticking out from their hearts.
Eijiro Kirishima, from the very first day at UA, was amazed by Bakugo. Since then, he had made it his goal to become Bakugo's closest friend. Which he surprisingly did, and quickly too. Katsuki Bakugo couldn't care less, it was just another extra. An extra that could hold and touch him without his face being blown off. Bakugo concluded that it was because of the extra's quirk.
Slowly but so very quickly, the two became the closest of friends. Bakugo had realized that no matter how many 'friends' he had in middle school, this shitty-hair extra was his first real one.
Eventually, cupid's arrows fell out from their hearts to the ground, with a thud. As cupid realized that they were useless from the start.
All Canon Characters Belong to Kohei Horikoshi
Original Copy
No Reposts
An Original Wattpad Series
Apologies beforehand for slow updates due to a busy schedule.