"... that's right, you never went to their funeral.. did you?
after all, you were so caught up with getting stopping their murderers, and people alike.
you've sacrificed everything to become an assassin you know..."
karma turned, whispering to himself, "but why don't you sacrifice me, too? after all, i killed them, didn't i?"
(summary: a car crash killed them. it was by a man under the influence of a drug, the grief of the loss of his wife and child rotted at nagisa's brain, making the decision that he will stop the drug, murdering anyone under the influence so the same thing won't happen again. karma finds out the routes of this incident, causing him to also help. they begin working together as assassins, seeking out vengeance. yet there is one problem: how does karma tell nagisa, that he is the one who is actually responsible for all this?)
yet how does karma tell him, that he is the reason the drug exists?
started: 28th July 21
Looks like the rules changed.
Nagisa makes the most of his second playthrough. He decides to stay quiet initially, determined to stop the cycle. Karma's not making it easy though. Without getting disqualified for knowing too much, Nagisa needs to find out who's really behind this "contest".
With the death of their classmates and Nagisa's nonchalant attitude, Karma debates on how far to let him go. Nagisa seems to know way too much and says nothing about it. How can Karma trust him when he's withholding valuable information? It's not exactly something that inspires "trust".