Voldemort is back.
The dark lord is on the hunt for a new generation of death eaters. Follow "The serpents" as they run from their fates...
Even if it means risking everything they have.
#1 in "snape"
#1 in "Narcissa"
Draco Malfoy is determined to get away from his terrible parents and start a new life at the best wizarding school, Hogwarts. Maybe he'll even make a friend or two.
Harry Potter is determined to learn more about his magic and his world during his time at Hogwarts. Nothing will quell his ambitions for knowledge and power.
In one story, these two boys were enemies, each fighting on opposing sides. But in this story, they are best friends, navigating both the threats of evil and the threats of annoying teachers together.
One of them will be the bravest Gryffindor the world has ever seen. One of them will be the cleverest Slytherin the world has ever known.
The question is, who's the snake?