Killer Whales, commonly known as Orcas, have been a symbol of the West Coast for thousands of years. They hold a very special place among Canadians, especially among indigenous peoples, who regard them as a symbol of power, family bonds, and an inspiration for humanity. Sadly, these beautiful, intelligent, sentient beings are struggling to survive in an environment that has become almost alien to them. Due to human activities, only 73 Southern Resident killer whales remain alive today. Lack of availability of Chinook Salmon, a significant part of their diet, as well as pollution of their native waters, and disturbances caused by large vessels are just some of the many challenges these creatures face.
"කේතුර් දන්නවද මම කේතුර්ට
කොච්චරක් ආදරෙයි කියල ?"
"හැමතිස්සෙම වචනෙන් නොකිව්වත් සර්ගෙ ඇස් මගේ ඇස් එක්ක පැටලෙනකොට ඒ දිලිසෙන ඇස්වලින් මට පේනවා සර් මට කොච්චර ආදරෙයිද කියලා."
ආදරේ වැඩියෙන්ම දැනුනේ මගහැරුණු හිත්වලට....ආදරේ වැඩියෙන්ම කරෙත් ඒ මගහැරුණු හිත්මයි.
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