A badly written fan fiction based off of Tui T. Sutherland's Wing of Fire books. I will not begin with an information page, so- don't blame me if you don't understand! Enjoy.
!DISCLAIMER! I do not own this fandom! Although I have OC's based off of Wings of Fire creator Tui T. Sutherland! Also I do not own any of the art unless told otherwise!
If you haven't read the books you don't really need to, to understand this book, but I suggest reading them! Now, roll the intro,
The continent of Preustras is divided as the Three SkyWing Kings take over the thrones, Hurricane of the SandWing and SeaWings, Eruption of the MudWing and RainWings and Singe of the SkyWing and NightWings. Breaking into war to decide the finale ruler of Preustras that's been raging for many sorrowful years...
Though, from the ashes shall rise seven dragons, a dragon of each tribe, as the NightWings scribed. They are destined to be born on the brightest night of two moons, destined to stop the war for once and all, to choose a king who is more powerful than all.
From the ashes will rise the seven...