In the Franchise of Fate stay night and the Fate universe or Natsuverse. Historical figures can be summoned back to the land of the living with the summoner having 3 bright red marks are their hand. These are called 'command seals' and they are the contract that bind the fighre of the past to the Present along with a Supply of "Mana" which is Magical stamina. In which the 'servant' can use to materialize and fight. Use noble phantasms etc which is a servant's Trump card in most cases. Then, you compete in this Free-for-all or Team deathmatch for the holy grail that can grant any wish (this question will be asked and your relationship with your servant will Be swayed if it's a petty reason. (Like to be noticed more) your servant will despise you. But if it's something noble (Resurrecting a dead family member) most servants will aprove. Known Classes: Saber [sword welder] Archer [Ranged weaponry] Lancer [Jack of all trades] Assassin ["from the shadows"] Berserker [example: Red lanterns {DC} Avenger [The forbidden class. But who's gonna stop you once you summon a servant from this category] The master can also be capable of magical attacks his or herself. [like Gem magic] there are some constants that aren't supposed to change no matter what. But what happens when Whio's supposed to be a servant becomes the servant and visa versa?All Rights Reserved