Eliza was under a lot of spiritual power, as someone who could sense magic her entire senses were flooding with warning signs, but she continued to ignore them. A jolt went through her entire body when she felt something warm come close to her right.
"What do you offer in return?" Asked the spirit.
The question was said softly but it felt as though it was in her own thoughts. Hesitantly from the surprise she responded. "Anything you wish to take." Before going back to the incantation.
"Oh? So then you will be compliant if I ask if it is you I can have?" He mutters closely.
Eliza can just barely feel the warmth mist of a hand on her side and another going over her cheek from the spirit. She swallows back her fear and nods a yes.
"I'm going to need more than a nod darling. If you are committed I will need a yes or a no to seal our contract."
Eliza almost felt the need to open her eyes and see for herself what was talking to her, but she cast that thought aside. "Yes, I can offer you my body."
The warmth went to her left ear. "Good."
Four hidden witch sisters are about to be hunted down, the hunter comes in to kill them but they are able to defend themselves. Because they can not be sure that they can hold off the hoard of witch hunters that will soon kill them all, they decide to dwell into the darker parts of the craft to summon something or someone to protect them. They are unsure what the incantation will summon, but their source is reliable enough, being their passed adoptive mother who raised them in the manor that they are all willing to protect with their lives and souls.
Their summoning is a success, at some expense. They called upon a demon, once vampire of the mortal relam, who is all too compliant to their wish, to even small yet scandalous requests as well. Behind those obedient actions, and charming appeal, what does he really want in return?
Minor Gore, Sex, and Swearing