Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Seasons of Heaven
41 parts Complete An innocent school student, a timid cheerleader, an intelligent amnesiac, a spunky pop star, and a reserved mercenary. When fate brings these ordinary Pokémon together, a dramatic new story begins.
Set in the futuristic world of Aseria, these Pokémon live comfortable lives at the ease of technology. But life in Aseria wasn't always this way. When Pokémon discover that the traditions of Aseria's history can grant them powers beyond their imagination, greater battles than the world has ever seen are set in motion.
The futuristic mythology of modern Aseria clashes with ancient legends as the world's leaders fight for dominance of the planet. Caught in the middle of the conflict, only our fated cast can see the destruction these great battles will bring. But they must learn the hard way that becoming heroes is not the only solution.
-2019 HaruMiju-