Hello everyone, and welcome to what it's probably our first fanfic ever publicly written. Yes, ours, because it's a two-men project! Names are PokéTom and Ink.Gz, and we're usually.. not.. writers- :v
The two of us are trying our hand at this, and we hope you enjoy what we're making ^^
If any delays are in order, it's most likely my fault, because I'm trying to keep up with a lot of things altogether, and I mean.. I'm getting there. Just.. Very... Slowly.... Aaaa- #ToirtleInk
Also, the book cover... yeahh, I did it- and I need to pick up my slack because I literally did it from the etched in remains of what was supposed to be the sketch- I hope you guys like it, though it will likely get more polished and updated overtime.
That's where I (PokeTom) comes in, to write an unrevised version of what you officially read until Ink.GZ has a window open to finalize and give her ok to publish! So what you read is both of our work combined into one sexy piece of writing history!
Uh...yeah hope you all enjoy it!
If you're interested in our other projects, you can find us on Youtube, Instagram and Twitter @Poketom - pokettom_yt - PokeTomtuber and Ink. Gz - ink.gz_draws - InkGZ1 respectively.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
(Updates every day or every other day)