21 parti In corso Per adultiLong before the existence of humanity, 4 dragoniss colonies were formed.
The colony of the solstice who are located on the galactic continent of Celestice who is currently ruled by three dragons, Amaris, Lum-Luneh, and the Hexalios
The colony of Amanzi located on the planet earth who had been ruled by the dragon 'Hoarusn'
The colony of Pimeys who have been known to colonise in any dark abyss they can find, ruled by the Kostrella ( commonly referred to as the dragon will the all seeing eyes )
And the colony of Sintel, whose people are most commonly found in humid, unlivable areas. The dragon ruling over the area being the Paladianos
Millions of Years after the development of these colonies, the Dragoniss war would break out between the four colonies
During this war, the creation of dragon guardians are made
Guardians are people who were made to preserve the empire, protect the dragon they were born to serve and to commit their lives to the empire.
In the war, allies were made
Solstice made an alliance with Amanzi
Sintel and Pimeys were also aligned
During this war, many of the guardians ( Dragons ) were weakened and unable to properly rule their kingdom, which resulted in their guardians doing most of their work.
Years after this war came to an end, a war against humanity and Mythical beings broke out
Mythical beings are people who are not human, species like Nyphms, size shifters and such were hunted, the escalation of the war later leading on to all mythical species allaying and fending off humanity. The dragon 'Amaris' had grown weakened after the dragoniss war and desired to have someone to be with him during his final moments, thus the creation of Hoshi.