Violet Potter is thirteen years old, now a teenager, and so ready to begin Year Three at Hogwarts. But nothing ever goes quite the way Violet hopes it will. Dementors are stationed everywhere around Hogwarts, and the otherwise enchanting Village of Hogsmeade by temporary Ministry of Magic decree. A high security convict has escaped from Azkaban Prison, and it is someone from out of Harry and Violet's past. Someone who was once such a trusted friend of Lily and James Potter that they named him Harry's godfather. Someone who would be sentenced to rot in Azkaban for mass murder. But did he really commit the crimes? It is none other than Sirius Black. The other last true Marauder, is the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Remus Lupin, who carries such a terrifying burden of his own that it has made him a lifelong outcast in magical society. But are they really the guilty ones? Or is there a cowardly and traitorous little rat lurking about...? Disclaimer: This is a fan reimagining of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling. I do not own anything of the series except for the characters I made up.All Rights Reserved