Hello there my dear readers how's your week was ? This is gonna be a Star Wars x male reader fanfic . Young Jar'Ax (you are a human ) was padawan of Kanan Jarus long before Ezra . Born in poor family on Tatooine he has know about slavery on his own skin . He was really happy to run away from his master ) your family was already dead ) . Running away he was meet team of Phantom and Kanan decided to train him . All was alright before Ezra have joined the team and at beginning all was normally but when Ezra become force user all go in black hole without any chance of getting back. But apogee of this become when they abandon him (Jar'Ax) after he was behind them helping them to get to shuttle fighting against Darth Vader (which was surprisingly well for you ) . After that Jar'Ax just given up to dark side of force ( start to attack Vader with powers of dark side ) in that you let your anger to take control over your tongue and spilled all about yourself which cause Vader to find out that there's a lot common between you and him . Feeling disturbance in force emperor himself contacted you and Vader and offer you to join to the Dark Side as for now as apprentice of Darth Vader . You agreed on that . T͟͟h͟͟e͟͟y͟͟ (rebels ) d͟͟i͟͟d͟͟n͟͟'t͟͟ w͟͟a͟͟n͟͟t͟͟ t͟͟o͟͟ b͟͟e͟͟ f͟͟r͟͟i͟͟e͟͟n͟͟d͟͟s͟͟ w͟͟i͟͟t͟͟h͟͟ J͟͟a͟͟r͟͟'A͟͟x͟͟ n͟͟o͟͟w͟͟ t͟͟h͟͟e͟͟y͟͟ w͟͟i͟͟l͟͟l͟͟ b͟͟e͟͟ a͟͟f͟͟r͟͟a͟͟i͟͟d͟͟ o͟͟f͟͟ D͟͟a͟͟r͟͟t͟͟h͟͟ S͟͟t͟͟a͟͟r͟͟k͟͟i͟͟l͟͟l͟͟e͟͟r͟͟All Rights Reserved