It's 1968! Michael and Kayla ask for you to join them in another year of their adventure. In this installment, the first step to national fame is met. This makes 1968 a challenging year for the pair.
And, of course, we have their ordinary challenges. Kayla's family is still having issues, ranging from toddler Charles to old, procrastinating Grandma Reynolds. Her father, Elijah, is still piping mad over all of his issues, yet never does anything about it. Pressure is piling on top of Kayla like a sack of bricks.
We can't forget about Michael, either. With his daily practicing, pressed schedules, late nights, early mornings, gigs, recordings, and Big Boy, he's got just as much, if not more, piled on his plate. Plus, we all know that Joseph isn't making the problems any easier... on either of the two.
With all of these complications, can Kayla and Michael make it through another year in this cold, hard world? Or, like their previous lives, will they fail themselves and return back to Heaven, regretting they ever tried altering their lives?
Like the last book, this one will probably be fairly short. I'm coming up with as much as I can. However, there is not much that covers the years 1967 or 1968.
Informational Websites: (this one is AMAZING)
Rated PG-13.
I hope you all enjoy Book 4- 1968!
Adina Rose Brooks was a pretty basic girl. She got good grades, had a great group of friends, and lived a basic American life. Nothing was out of the ordinary. And nothing seemed out of the ordinary about her new nannying job the summer going into her senior year. Except for the fact that she was nannying the younger siblings of her cheater ex-boyfriend, Jace Castillo.
Now, Adina had to spend her summer with her ex and his friends, and with that comes a whole other set of problems. Their past comes into focus, and different secrets coming to the forefront of her life, flipping everything on its head.
Now, she has to get used to a totally new life, with more twists and turns than her normal life had. And a lot more danger. What happens when the lines between friend and foe get blurred, and love and hate morph into something else? Will she and Jace be able to work together to save the world they know, or will she wither and die before she can truly blossom as his rose?