Meet Mika Yukimora, a skilled 17 year old thief who managed to live on her own after her mother had died when she was 5. She was a hacker, sniper, mistress of disguise and a very skilled acrobat, not to mention a great cook, too. her mother has never told her about her father, no pictures, no old clothes, no nothing. All she ever said was he was a great man. But as she grew up she tries to forget what her mom said, she WILL find her father. One certain night, she was robbing the same museum as another group of thieves called the Black Foxes. At first she didn't like them, but after she'd shown her sense of humor one of them sparked a connection with her. And no, not a romantic one. More like a, relationship kind of one. What if Mika doesn't only steal some paintings from the museum, but will she also steal......... Hearts? Will Mika ever find out who her father is?