Audrie Hyberg, also known as Giggle or Audi, is part of an all-girl band named Spring Purity. Auri and her three band mates are already addicted to 5 Seconds of Summer and would kill to meet them, but they're on tour half of the time, and the other half is filled with recording, writing, and spending free time with family. 5sos also know Spring Purity, and are actually fans of them, but are also usually busy. What happens when these two bands collide?
This story is told Auri's P.O.V.
Hope you enjoy!
I do NOT own this preferences!
I found them on tumblr and I thought more people should read them, so ALL rigths are reserved by their 'original' writers.
I hope you'll love the imagines as much as I do:)
P.S. Sometimes I'll upload different versions of one situation.
important abbreviations
Y/N Your Name
Y/M/N Your Middle Name
Y/L/N Your Last Name
Y/F/N Your Friends Name
Y/S/N Your sons Name