01. Faith
02. Quran and Hadith
03. The Messengers of the God
04. Jannah and Jahannam
05. Qadr
06. The Kaaba and the Hajj
07. Lineage and society of the last Messenger of the God
08. Shirk
09. Tawbah
10. Kufr
11. Shaheed
12. Oppression of the Muslims in Mecca, and migration to Abyssinia
13. Jihad and Sa'ber
14. (i) The city Yatrib (Medina) and their acceptance of Islam, and pledges to the Messenger of the God (ii) The migration of the Muslims of Mecca to Yatrib
15. The Constitution of Medina
16. The growth of the Muslim population and the Hypocrites
17. The attitudes of the Aanser and Muhajir
18. Salah and the change of Qiblah (direction)
19. The Battle of Badr (The 1st attack from Mecca to Medina)
20. The Captives and Slaves in Islam
21. As-Saum, Ramadan, Eid, and Friday
22. Expulsion of the Jewish tribe BanuQainuqa
23. The Battle of Uhud (The 2nd attack from Mecca to Medina)
24. (i) The Treachery of BanuNadeer and the plot to assassinate the Messenger of the God, (ii) The Confederates and The Battle of Trench (Khandaq) (The 3rd attack from Mecca to Medina) and (iii) The Treachery of BanuQuraiza
25. The Hudaibiyah Treaty, and its consequences
26. Circumstances under which invasion is allowed in Islam
27. (i) Invasion of Khaibar, (ii) The Return of the Immigrants from Abyssinia and (iii) The Hajj to Mecca
28. The Battle of Mu'tah
29. The breach of the Peace Treaty and The Conquest of Mecca
30. Zakat and Jizya
31. (i) Impeding Taif to protect Mecca , (i) The Battle of Hunain, (iii)The enlightenment of the people of Taif
32. (i) Expedition of Tabuk, and (ii) The Enlightenment of Ghassanids
33. (i) Hajjat-ul-Wida, and (ii) The Death of the last Messenger of The God
34. Bibliography
35. Allah Preserved The HARD WORK Of Prophet Ibrahim's Whole Life By His First Son Prophet Ismail. The Origin and Purpose of Hajj
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ncapcs/featured
5 years from the Past, Ash had been betrayed and has completely mastered his Aura. While standing on top of a hill with his trustworthy friend, Serena, and his partners, Pikachu and Lucario. Ash receives a letter from the Pokemon League. He is now on a mission to take revenge from the people who betrayed him.
Notice: I don't own any of these characters in the story.