"What's up, blogosphere? Jacob Ben Israel here, back on the street with an exclusive look at McKinley's newest celebrities, the New Directions!"
Winnie rolled her eyes, already annoyed and it was only ten in the morning of her first day of school. She could hear JBI's voice down the hallway and she was sure he was coming her way, but she couldn't tell for sure if she was annoyed at him or at Tina, who walked beside her with Dottie, a freshman she had, somehow convinced to follow her around all day everyday.
Now, Winnie had kept her promise. When Mike left, she had stuck by Tina. The two of them had helped each other, working together through missing the boy, but, as soon as the last week of summer rolled around, Tina started to change. She started to become self-obsessed and she suddenly turned into a bigger diva than Rachel Berry herself, always talking about the solos she wanted to have at glee or how much her voice had improved with the years. Winnie was about 90% sure all of this was just some weird copying mechanism Tina had created to deal with Mike's absence, but it drove Winnie insane. Still, she stuck by Tina anyway, more out of habit than anything else, but with Mike gone and Tina's new attitude, Winnie wasn't sure how much more of this she'd be willing to take.
Maybe she would need some new friends.
Set in season 4
Disclaimer: Some of the dialogue aren't mind and most of the characters aren't either
"And you, Winnie Archer?" The boy turned to face Winnie next, who just rolled her eyes. "Rumor has it you are heartbroken about the departure of Hobo McBieber."
"Sam?" She frowned. "Why would I be heartbroken? He was dating Mercedes, not me."
"Then you were his side-chick?"
"Excuse me?"
"You were seen visiting Sam Evans in his motel room several times during summer break." JBI pressed. "Comments?"
"I went to take my sisters to visit his siblings." Winnie clarified.
"So no canoodling while there?"
"None of your business."
"So why did you cry so much when he left?"
Set in Season 3
Disclaimer: Some of the dialogues aren't mine and most of the characters aren't either