In the heart-pounding thriller "Oblivion," follow the courageous journey of Park Saenarae, a determined young woman driven by an insatiable thirst for truth. As a detective, Saenarae embarks on a perilous quest to unravel the enigma surrounding her father's mysterious disappearance, a case shrouded in secrecy and intertwined with the powerful forces of the Chinese government.
Saenarae's life takes an unexpected turn as she delves deeper into her father's perplexing case. Along the way, she finds herself entangled in a web of intrigue, forging unlikely alliances and unearthing startling revelations about her own identity. As the puzzle pieces fall into place, Saenarae befriends a notorious CEO, a man tormented by scandal and controversy, whose connection to her father's case sends shockwaves through her world.
Amidst the chaos and danger, Saenarae discovers a cast of hilarious and quirky neighbors who add unexpected charm and lightheartedness to her tumultuous journey. Together, they navigate the treacherous paths of deception and betrayal, forming an unbreakable bond that bolsters Saenarae's resolve to uncover the truth.
However, the truth she unravels goes far beyond her wildest imagination. A startling revelation awaits her-she learns of a long-lost brother, a hidden link to the powerful Italian mafia. As she uncovers the dark secrets of her family line, Saenarae must confront her own demons and question everything she thought she knew.
With danger lurking at every corner, Saenarae must outsmart her adversaries, navigate complex alliances, and overcome her own inner conflicts. As the threads of her father's disappearance, the Chinese government's involvement, and her newfound brother's affiliation with the mafia converge, Saenarae races against time to untangle the web of deception and find her place in a world that has been cloaked in shadows.
"I wish I had a normal life."
"No one's life is normal. It's just disguised as normal. There are a lot of hardships behind it."
"Sometimes we need escape from reality. And i need the escspe 24/7. I will never lose you because you are my escape from reality."
"I wish it was a normal love story..."
Choi Y/n, the loving daughter a rich business man...or that's what she thought.
According to everyone, she is rich, inconsiderate and arrogant...but that didn't stop them from sucking up to her. Her life was normal, until a black hooded boy comes in to her life, until she chose to escape the reality with him and then he became her escape.