after the pale king sealed the abyss, many vessels managed to escape. the pale king picks up on this, and in an effort to save face, demands that the vessels be caught and killed. plans to seal the hollow knight in the black egg insue, as the pale king hopes to end the radiance's reign. the story follows 3 vessels in particular: ghost (the knight) joni ( the one in the middle) and mason (the one on the right) as they seek to escape hallownest alive. NOTE: this is a rewriting of a story i worked on a year ago. I didnt end of finishing that story, and the reason was because i didnt know what i was doing. I didnt have a plan, and i worked with many ideas at once that just didnt work in succession. This time i do have a plan, and i will accomplish it to the best of my ability. Im sorry for keeping everyone who liked my story hanging. I hope to do better.All Rights Reserved