37 Bölüm Tamamlanmış Hikaye YetişkinMy name is Brooklyn Robert. I'm 17, head cheerleader since my freshman year, I have fair grades and people always compliment me on my looks even though I see myself as completely ordinary.
I have to admit that my life includes indeniable advantages. My mother, Laurence Robert - pronounced in French s'il vous plaît - is a worldwide renowned fashion designer, meaning that I have quite a lot of pocket money along with a huge property to my disposal. For a teenager who just gets started in life, those assets may lead one to believe that I have all the tools to be happy and successful.
But I'm not.
I reached the bottom so fast and so hard that I couldn't see a way out. I was trapped in a dark hole with no issue.
I was so tired that my only desire was to end it. I wanted it so bad that I swallowed two bottles of sleeping pills and I let myself be taken away by that haunting darkness.
But it didn't work. I'm still here, alive and ready to die.
#1 sexualorientation
#2 suffering
#11 girlxgirl
[Explicit content. May be triggering (rape, suicidal thoughts, sexual assault, violence, revenge porn...). Please take care of yourselves.]