In an alternate universe, the World is under constant warfare. War has become a part of the world societies, including a nation in central Europe named the Germaine Kreise Empire.
The World was stuck in a stalemate, as each front they fought bear no fruits of victory. Even so, their civilians were eager to fight and wave after wave of volunteers joined their nations military. Even so, they can't break free of the situation. Or so they think.
A man, and a woman, was brought to this world. Specifically speaking, born in the Empire. Separated by time, each has the potential of greatness. Many believe they were blessed by angels sent by the gods, but in all reality, they were devils. Accursed to warfare, yet seemed unstoppable.
Would these Devils lead their nation to Supreme Power? Or to utter destruction?
(AN: This story is a Fanfiction, I do not own Youjo Senki. All are strictly for entertainment purposes. I do not benefit beside getting the joy of writing, and pleasing the audience.)
(AAN: Tanya is at legal age, and a female both in the previous and the current lives. This story also includes a certain party with a different name, which the structure is almost the same, but different ideology for the main character. I also apologize in advance if I spelled the german incorrectly, and I would appreciate it if you correct me if there's any wrong.)