A generation of witches emerged in a world where two factions, the Druids and the Witches, held power over the Earth and its elements. Gifted with the ability to harness the powers of Light and Dark, they dedicated themselves to honoring the Goddess Mother and the natural world. They celebrated life, abundance, and the cycles of nature through festivals and rituals.
The Goddess Mother blessed two witches with extraordinary power, one with Light and the other with Dark, and bestowed upon them a book containing all the spells necessary to honor her. With this book, they could even cheat death itself. However, they were forbidden from using their powers for evil.
Meanwhile, the Druids delved into the dark side of nature, making pacts with gods of the afterlife who demanded blood sacrifices. The Elder Druid, consumed by envy, plotted to steal the witches' power. Spreading lies about their wickedness to mortals, the Druids convinced them that only witch burnings could lift the curse.
The Elder Druid's greed knew no bounds, and he sought the Goddess's book, whispering more falsehoods about the witches. Fear gripped the land, and countless innocent men and women were burned at the stake until the witch hunts finally ceased in the late 17th century.
The two High Strega, the last of their kind, devised a plan to protect their magic and revive the Witchline. The Goddess revealed a prophecy: when a daughter of Dark and a son of Light possessed the book, the Witchline would be restored. They separated, hiding their true power and passing the book from one High Strega to another across generations.
Until now...
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There are many types of witches and warlocks with varying skills and abilities in Gandheim. Being a Portaler, Healer, or Maganer will guarantee success, but the greatest of all are the Soul Wrights. With the ability to manipulate life force itself, Soul Wrights are as exceedingly dangerous as they are rare and only manifest in males. The High King Kinnut owes his position to his ability, but has maintained peace within his realms for nearly two centuries. He claims that this is due to a strict adherence to his greatest law; all Soul Wrights are put to death after a prophecy foretold the end of his reign by another.
Fortunately or unfortunately for me, I showed poor magical capabilities growing up and am failing out of the Academy. Barely more useful than a human, I will be lucky to find a job cleaning sewage pipes. When Kinnut visits the Academy to eliminate the newest Soul Wright, he offers me a position in his home at Height. Not only because he could end my life with a snap of his fingers, but also because of the pressure from my family, I have no choice but to accept. Our line has always been intertwined with the King, until now.
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