When Strider mysteriously disappears from Rivendell, Frodo is left with the task of bringing the Ring to Mordor with only seven other Fellowship members. Throughout the course of the story, disappearances become more and more often, until Frodo alone is left to finish the journey to Mordor. But, at the last moment, he, too, is dragged out of Middle Earth. When Aragorn is cannonballed into the parallel world of Westeros, he is both befuddled and desperate. As he venture to return to Rivendell in vain, Aragorn looses all hope of salvation in the harsh and treacherous world of Slaver's Bay until the young queen Daenerys Targaryen and an assassin named Arya assist him in his endeavors. During his short stay in Slaver's Bay, he realizes the ingenuity of the Dragon Queen and finally his growing fondness for her company...