Ai grija in cine ai incredere,diavolul a fost cel mai iubit dintre ingeri!
Am fost fortata de noul sot al mamei sa ma mut din West Palm Beach,Florida,si sa merg sa locuiesc cu tata in mult prea inoratul si ploiosul Port Angeles,Washington.Nu,nu capitala Statelor Unite,ci cel mai nord-vestic stat.Cand aveam 16 ani,mama s-a casatorit cu un chinez,pe nume Wu Chan,plin de bani. Ce cliché!Apoi,el practic m-a gonit in cealalta parte a Statelor.Mama mea nu a avut un cuvant de spus in asta.Chiar ea mi-a facut bagajele si m-a trimis,facuta pachet,la tata.
Prima dragoste este intotdeauna legata de cele mai mari suferinte.Te indragostesti fara sa iti dai seama,apoi realizezi ca fara persoana iubita,ramai fara aer.
"Alintul principal din carte,pe langa altele,va fii SUGAR.Mi-a placut cum suna,si nu am gasit nici o traducere in romana care sa ma multumeasca.Mai bine "sugar",decat "dulceata",nu?Adica m-am gandit ca va fii putin aiurea,ca Harry sa zica dulceata,nu il vad in ipostaza asta,mai ales ca,in cartea asta,este destul de dur."
-Tu esti exact acel gen de baiat,in care daca as avea incredere,as fi o proasta.
-Atunci sa nu ai.A spus si si-a lipit fruntea de a mea.
-Nu pot.
Mi-am lipit buzele de ale lui,lasand caldura din corpul lui sa ma invaluie.
All rights reserved: @LoraA.
Grace wants to prove herself by making the men's hockey team at her new school. Will a rivalry with the captain - or an attraction between them - get in the way?
When Grace Gillman moves to California, she's determined to play hockey -- even if that means making a place for herself on her new school's only team. But Sebastian Evans doesn't want a girl on the men's team, even if she's a great player. He's convinced she'll distract the other boys and cost them their shot at the championship - and with it, his only chance at a scholarship to his dream college. But despite his icy attitude towards her, he can't help but feel a connection building between them - which quickly gets complicated when he learns she has eyes for someone else. Will they remain rivals on the rink, or will things heat up between them?
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