Ai grija in cine ai incredere,diavolul a fost cel mai iubit dintre ingeri!
Am fost fortata de noul sot al mamei sa ma mut din West Palm Beach,Florida,si sa merg sa locuiesc cu tata in mult prea inoratul si ploiosul Port Angeles,Washington.Nu,nu capitala Statelor Unite,ci cel mai nord-vestic stat.Cand aveam 16 ani,mama s-a casatorit cu un chinez,pe nume Wu Chan,plin de bani. Ce cliché!Apoi,el practic m-a gonit in cealalta parte a Statelor.Mama mea nu a avut un cuvant de spus in asta.Chiar ea mi-a facut bagajele si m-a trimis,facuta pachet,la tata.
Prima dragoste este intotdeauna legata de cele mai mari suferinte.Te indragostesti fara sa iti dai seama,apoi realizezi ca fara persoana iubita,ramai fara aer.
"Alintul principal din carte,pe langa altele,va fii SUGAR.Mi-a placut cum suna,si nu am gasit nici o traducere in romana care sa ma multumeasca.Mai bine "sugar",decat "dulceata",nu?Adica m-am gandit ca va fii putin aiurea,ca Harry sa zica dulceata,nu il vad in ipostaza asta,mai ales ca,in cartea asta,este destul de dur."
-Tu esti exact acel gen de baiat,in care daca as avea incredere,as fi o proasta.
-Atunci sa nu ai.A spus si si-a lipit fruntea de a mea.
-Nu pot.
Mi-am lipit buzele de ale lui,lasand caldura din corpul lui sa ma invaluie.
All rights reserved: @LoraA.
Marcus Thorne wears several masks in his life-playing retired pirate, Captain Hawk, is his favorite, but if his secret is discovered, he could die. Captivated by his enemy's daughter, Marcus kidnaps her, but in turn, she captures his heart... until he discovers Isabelle is one of Napoleon's spies with the power to endanger his life and the lives of his friends.
After her release, Isabelle can't stop thinking about her masked abductor and how he'd stolen her heart before ridding her of his presence. Betrothed to a man who strangely reminds her of the man whose kisses set her ablaze, she marries him, only to discover he's not who he seemed to be and is withholding secrets. But then, so is she.
Content warning: This story contains a mild amount of violence and kidnapping... along with plenty of falling in love.