The story begins in year 2003 in Hawkins lab with 3 young girls called Eleven, Wanda and Cora. All of them are tested by Dr. Brenner. After some years all of the girls are free and living their lives, but what they don't know is the thing that something is coming from upside down. Or it maybe already came ? Which powers has Cora ? Whats the thing from upside down ? Does everyone survive ? This is Stranger Things and Marvel fanfiction made by me. All the characters are wrote by Stranger Things & MCU producers except for Cora. So all rights go to producers. The story is changed as well with characters history so its not the same as in movies and show but it might be similiar. Big thank you to all who are reading this or my story I will apereace all feedback and rates. I will add one chapter every week/2 weeks but sometimes when I get motivation I will add more of them of course. I started the story on 11th July 2021 p l c n e t o c e a n ©All Rights Reserved