15 Bagian Lengkap DewasaLaid upon the pages of this book is a story. This is an autobiography. I struggled with writing this and, as you will soon understand, though I knew how to write it, writing it and thinking about it was difficult. I have not labeled the chapters in hopes that you will read all the way through. You may understand me a little more if you do so, but, on the same note, you may end up hating me. I do not know what your reaction will be, but I will allow your opinion of me. I give you full permission to judge me, only when you read everything. This is on my struggles with mental illness, traumatic events, my opinions, my thoughts, my feelings; this is a tour of my mind. Be warned, it's dark and haunted. But I felt it important for me to write this, so maybe I can overcome it. Thank you for picking this text to enlighten you. I am not the smartest, nor am I the wisest, but I will do my best to paint a delicate image in your mind by how I string together my semblant words.