Wilbur, an unwanted visitor at Las Nevadas approaches the one and only Quackity, a man known for his notorious charms, devilish moves, cheating in his games, and past relationships. Quackity is known as a monster, a devil in disguise. His past relationships leave him as a lonely, bitter lad.
Wilbur, a man of unpredictable moves, hidden emotions, and an annoying tag along younger brother. Wilbur finds himself drawn to Las Nevadas, along with the leader of the nation. Wilbur goes out of his way to make a bet. Little does he know, this bet will take him places he didn't know were possible.
I AM SHIPING C!WILBUR AND C!QUACKITY NOT THE ACTUAL PEOPLE!!!! I'm making this story up, I don't really like making y/n stories, so I have to improvise. This is not a prediction, it's simply me making up a story with characters from the Dream SMP. I'm sorry if you don't like it, I'm not that great at writing stories. I tried my best. This is in Wilbur's POV.
(Cover art by BeckyBlah on Tumblr)