you are a 43 year old man/female/it/they/them/attack helicopter/toaster, Sent to the moon from NASA/spaceX (you choose which ever one you like more) after they got a distress signal from the colony. your with your squad, dex the demolitions expert he likes to blow things up because he likes to blow things up, Mike the sniper of your team he don't miss his target, Jeff the engineer of the group he builds the teach (he looks like engi from tf2), lastly rook he is the muscle of the team he's dumbs yes but as he says "you just need big gun" then theres you the commander of the team (I can't think of a name I'll let you know when I figure a name out for the team ) your smart (not as smart as jeff) quick thinker and the fastest of the group you always go with your gut feeling follows orders puts your squads safety first before your own
y/n = your name
( if any of these show up its me the author talking)
* * = actions
(I put the toaster thing in as a joke but you can use it if you want)