Well, basically here my life is. Worthless, and useless when I was just a little kid. As I grew older my parents would take their anger out on me, and my older sister. I was 6-7 at the time they started, they still do now because nothing has changed. I'm only 12, and I still get treated like a little kid. But let's go back to my child hood. As I was a little kid I had no friends, I was useless, I git bullied a lot, when I turned 8 I first started cutting myself. Yeah, I started at a young age, but it felt so good to relieve the pain, just crying and rubbing that blade against my skin. When I turned 9 I cut even more than I did when I was 8.. It relieved my pain, just cutting all the time, and cried all the time unlike all of the other kids. I'd cry in the bathroom stalls when I was in the 5th grade. In the 6th grade, I started cutting less, because I knew I was growing older and things would get better as I grew up, I cut most times, but not all the time. Now, I'm in the 7th grade with my whole life ahead of me, my parents still abuse me, but not as much. But, I've been alive for 12 years and know what's up. But, I still cut, I've been cheated on twice, and cut those times. But now, I've met the love of my life. He's perfect. He makes me happier, and he's the one telling me not to cut. He calls me beautiful, gorgeous, hot, sexy. I thank him for all the things he has done to make my life better. He's the main reason why I'm actually alive right now. I absolutely love him. And he loves me back. You can tell that he cares because he tries to make me smile. Most times it works, but some other times it's like my face has no emotion to show, because I've hidden the pain, by flashing a smile. Now, it's just pure happiness. As I thank everyone that's been there for me, while I'm at my saddest times, and happy times, and to the times where I felt like cutting so bad that I knew if I did i'd have to suffer the consequences. But basically there my life is. Thanks for reading.