Team Natsu, a group of wizards consisting of Erza, Gray, Lucy, Happy, and Natsu himself, is part of a guild called Fairy Tail. Being the strongest wizard group, they go on Quests only amature wizards could dream of. One day, Happy finds an S-Class Quest that takes place in another continent! The last time they took an S-Class Quest, without permission, was on an island part of Fiore. Everyone was ready to decline, to tell Happy to bring the Quest to another group of wizards ready for the challenge, when Gray and Natsu read the information aloud: "Dear wizards of any guild, we are in dire need of your help! Please, for our Princess has been kidnapped by some evil tribe. We beg of you to find our lovely Princess back! See Mayor Fernando upon arrival!" Underneath the information was a picture of the mayor, clearly frightened and worried, underneath a city sign that read "Fairway City". The group exchanges glances, silence echoing in the group. Happy breaks the silence: "Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go save the Princess!"
~Fairy Tail doesn't belong to me. It belongs to Hiroshima (i think i spelled that correctly...)~
~Other characters not belonging to Fairy Tail and the continents Fyria and Royal Kingdom belong to me ~