Japan is a very beautiful place, at least it was until the war happened twenty years after 2021 the third world war had begun tensions between all the country were in a all time high I was a eighteen year old soldier fighting for his home country Japan, and during the invasion of Rome I was killed protecting my friend from a trap, I had no regrets though I had no family, or a lover waiting for me to come back home I lived my life to the fullest and how I wanted, but when my eyes inevitably closed, moments later they reopened in a strange new place, or rather a familiar place, a meadow, a very beautiful one at that but as I tried to move I noticed that my body felt strange and when I was finally able to crawl to a pond near by I saw a familiar white mask for a face, I was a Grimm but that can't be these creatures were just part of a show I watched when I was young this can't be real but then I looked around and saw more of them I came to a realization, I was reincarnated in another world, the world of Remnant